Cisco Catalyst 1200 系列是下一代经济实惠的智能交换机,将强大的性能和可靠性与中小型企业网络所需的一整套功能相结合。这些交换机在定制的 Linux 操作系统软件上运行,提供灵活的管理选项、全面的安全功能以及远远超出非托管或消费级交换机的第 3 层静态路由功能,而且成本比完全托管的交换机更低。当您需要可靠的解决方案来共享在线资源并连接计算机、电话和无线接入点时,Catalyst 1200 系列智能交换机可以以实惠的价格提供理想的解决方案。署
Cisco Catalyst ™ 1200 系列交换机是专为中小型企业设计和制造的经济实惠的智能交换机。该交换机产品组合通过 Cisco ® Business 移动应用程序或仪表板进行管理,提供简单可靠的体验。
思科 Catalyst 1200 系列交换机
Cisco Catalyst 1200 系列是下一代经济实惠的智能交换机,将强大的性能和可靠性与中小型企业网络所需的一整套功能相结合。这些交换机在定制的 Linux 操作系统软件上运行,提供灵活的管理选项、全面的安全功能以及远远超出非托管或消费级交换机的第 3 层静态路由功能,而且成本比完全托管的交换机更低。当您需要可靠的解决方案来共享在线资源并连接计算机、电话和无线接入点时,Catalyst 1200 系列智能交换机可以以实惠的价格提供理想的解决方案。
无论您需要计算机和服务器的基本高速连接,还是需要全面的语音、数据和无线技术解决方案,Cisco Catalyst 1200 系列交换机都可以满足您的业务需求。可能的部署场景包括:
● 高速桌面连接: 1200 系列交换机可以快速、安全地将在小型办公室工作的员工彼此之间以及他们使用的所有打印机、服务器和其他网络设备连接起来。高性能和可靠的连接有助于加快文件传输和数据处理、提高网络正常运行时间并保持员工的工作效率。
● 灵活的无线连接: 1200 系列交换机与思科和第三方无线解决方案配合使用,可扩展网络的覆盖范围。这些交换机具有安全功能、增强型以太网供电 (PoE+)、VLAN 和服务质量 (QoS),是向网络添加企业级无线解决方案的完美基础。通过以太网电缆提供的每个端口高达 30W 的功率意味着您可以轻松部署思科企业无线接入点,以最大限度地提高员工生产力。
● 统一通信: 1200 系列提供的 QoS 功能使您能够确定网络中对延迟敏感的流量的优先级,并将所有通信解决方案(例如 IP 电话和视频监控)融合到单个以太网上。思科提供专为小型企业设计的完整 IP 电话和其他统一通信产品组合,1200 系列交换机经过严格测试,有助于确保与这些产品和其他产品的轻松集成和完全兼容。
Cisco Catalyst 1200 系列交换机提供您以实惠的价格创建基本企业级网络所需的所有功能。这些功能包括:
● 轻松配置和管理: 1200 系列交换机旨在易于中小型企业或为其服务的合作伙伴部署和使用:
◦ 思科业务仪表板旨在管理 1200 系列交换机,让您轻松自定义界面和小部件以主动管理您的网络。这些交换机支持嵌入式探针以及直接管理,无需现场设置单独的硬件或虚拟机。设备加入向导简化了新设备到网络的设置和加入。欲了解更多信息,请访问https://www.cisco.com/go/cbd。
◦ 思科网络即插即用解决方案提供了简单、安全、统一和集成的产品,可简化新设备的部署或对现有网络的配置更新。该解决方案提供了一种统一的方法来配置思科路由器、交换机和无线设备,并提供近乎零接触的部署体验。
◦ 重新设计的现代 Web 用户界面减少了部署、故障排除和管理网络所需的时间。配置向导简化了最常见的配置任务,并为任何人提供了设置和管理网络的终极工具。
◦ 这些交换机支持外部蓝牙适配器,该适配器可插入交换机上的 USB 端口,并允许与外部笔记本电脑和平板电脑进行基于蓝牙的 RF 连接。笔记本电脑和平板电脑可以通过蓝牙使用 Telnet 或 Secure Shell (SSH) 客户端访问交换机命令行界面 (CLI)。可以使用浏览器通过蓝牙访问 GUI。
● 可靠性和性能: Cisco Catalyst 1200 系列交换机经过测试,能够提供您所期望的思科交换机的高性能和可靠性,并帮助您避免代价高昂的停机。这些交换机加快了文件传输时间,改善了缓慢且缓慢的网络,保持重要的业务应用程序可用,并帮助您的员工更快地响应客户和彼此。借助基于 Catalyst 1200 系列交换机的网络,您可以满足所有业务通信和连接需求,并降低技术基础设施的总拥有成本。1200 系列交换机在部分型号上支持 10 Gb 以太网上行链路,因此您可以构建高性能且面向未来的网络来支持您蓬勃发展的业务。
● 第 3 层静态路由:此功能允许您将网络分段为单独的工作组并跨 VLAN 进行通信,而不会降低应用程序性能。因此,您可以使用交换机管理内部路由,并将路由器专用于外部流量和安全,帮助您的网络更高效地运行。
● 以太网供电: 1200 系列交换机在千兆位以太网型号上提供 PoE+。此功能使您只需一根网络电缆即可部署 IP 电话、无线、视频监控和其他解决方案,从而无需单独的电源或布线。PoE+ 每个端口提供高达 30W 的功率,非常适合部署 802.11ac 无线接入点、云台变焦 (PTZ) IP 摄像机、视频电话和瘦客户端设备,提供更大的灵活性和投资保护。
● 网络安全: 1200 系列交换机提供您所需的安全和网络管理功能,以维护您的企业的高水平安全性、阻止未经授权的用户访问网络并保护您的业务数据。这些交换机包括集成网络安全功能,可降低安全漏洞风险;IEEE 802.1X 端口安全功能可控制对网络的访问;拒绝服务 (DoS) 攻击预防功能可在攻击期间增加网络正常运行时间;以及广泛的访问控制列表 (ACL) 可保护网络的敏感部分免受未经授权的用户的侵害并防范网络攻击。
● 灵活紧凑的设计:时尚紧凑的设计提供了额外的部署灵活性,包括在配线间外安装,例如零售店、开放式办公室和教室,而不会干扰环境。
● 节能解决方案: 1200 系列交换机旨在实现节能和环保,同时又不影响性能。它们通过优化电力使用来帮助节约能源,从而有助于保护环境并降低能源成本。省电功能包括:
◦ 支持节能以太网 (IEEE 802.3az) 标准,该标准通过监控活动链路上的流量并在安静时段将链路置于睡眠状态来降低能耗。
◦ 当链路断开时自动关闭端口电源。
◦ 大多数型号采用无风扇设计,可降低功耗、提高可靠性并提供更安静的运行。
● 高枕无忧、投资保护: 1200 系列交换机提供您所期望的 Cisco 交换机的可靠性能、投资保护和高枕无忧。免费访问我们的小型企业支持中心一年,以获得持续支持和有限终身保修以及返厂更换,帮助您的企业顺利运营。
Table 2 provides ordering information for the Cisco Catalyst 1200 Series Switches.
Table 2. Ordering information
Model |
Product ID |
Description |
Gigabit Ethernet |
C1200-8T-D |
C1200-8T-D |
● 8x 10/100/1000 ports
● Desktop
C1200-8T-E-2G |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
● 8x 10/100/1000 ports
2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports
● Rack-mountable
C1200-8P-E-2G |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
● 8x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 67W power budget
2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports
● Rack-mountable
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
● 8x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 120W power budget
2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports
● Rack-mountable
C1200-16T-2G |
C1200-16T-2G |
● 16x 10/100/1000 ports
● 2x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-16P-2G |
C1200-16P-2G |
● 16x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 120W power budget
● 2x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24T-4G |
C1200-24T-4G |
● 24x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24P-4G |
C1200-24P-4G |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 195W power budget
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24FP-4G |
C1200-24FP-4G |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48T-4G |
C1200-48T-4G |
● 48x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48P-4G |
C1200-48P-4G |
● 48x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
Gigabit Ethernet with 10 Gigabit Ethernet uplinks |
C1200-24T-4X |
C1200-24T-4X |
● 24x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24P-4X |
C1200-24P-4X |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 195W power budget
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24FP-4X |
C1200-24FP-4X |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48T-4X |
C1200-48T-4X |
● 48x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48P-4X |
C1200-48P-4X |
● 48x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
Table 3 describes the available accessories for the Cisco Catalyst 1200 Series Switches.
Table 3. Accessories
Part number |
Description |
Compatibility |
Console cable 6 feet with RJ-45 |
All models |
Console cable USB-C type |
All models |
Console cable USB-C type |
All models |
Power cable restraining clip |
All models |
Cisco rack-mounting kit |
Rack-mount kit for 1 RU for C1000, C1200, C1300 |
All 24/48 port models* |
19-in. rack-mount bracket for C1000, C1200, C1300 |
All 8/16/16P port models |
*Only 24- and 48-port models include the 19-in. mounting brackets with the switch
Cisco power adapters |
PWRADPT-WM-18-xx |
18W power adapter |
18W power adapter |
XX=NA, TW, JP, EU, UK, AU, AR, BR, CN, IN, KR (country-specific plug)
Table 1 describes the product specifications for the Cisco Catalyst 1200 Series Switches.
Table 1. Product specifications
Feature |
Description |
Performance |
Switching capacity and forwarding rate All switches are wire-speed and nonblocking |
Model |
Capacity in millions of packets per second (mpps) (64-byte packets) |
Switching capacity in gigabits per second (Gbps) |
C1200-8T-D |
11.90 |
16.0 |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
14.88 |
20.0 |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
14.88 |
20.0 |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
14.88 |
20.0 |
C1200-16T-2G |
26.78 |
36.0 |
C1200-16P-2G |
26.78 |
36.0 |
C1200-24T-4G |
41.66 |
56.0 |
C1200-24P-4G |
41.66 |
56.0 |
C1200-24FP-4G |
41.66 |
56.0 |
C1200-48T-4G |
77.38 |
104.0 |
C1200-48P-4G |
77.38 |
104.0 |
C1200-24T-4X |
95.23 |
128.0 |
C1200-24P-4X |
95.23 |
128.0 |
C1200-24FP-4X |
95.23 |
128.0 |
C1200-48T-4X |
130.94 |
176.0 |
C1200-48P-4X |
130.94 |
176.0 |
Layer 2 switching |
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) |
Standard 802.1d spanning tree support Fast convergence using 802.1w (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol [RSTP]), enabled by default Multiple spanning tree instances using 802.1s (MSTP); 8 instances are supported Per-VLAN Spanning Tree Plus (PVST+); 126 instances are supported Rapid PVST+ (RPVST+); 126 instances are supported |
Port grouping/link aggregation |
Support for IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
● Up to 4 groups
● Up to 8 ports per group with 16 candidate ports for each (dynamic) 802.3ad Link Aggregation Group (LAG)
Support for up to 255 active VLANs simultaneously Port-based and 802.1Q tag-based VLANs Management VLAN Guest VLAN Auto Surveillance VLAN (ASV) |
Voice VLAN |
Voice traffic is automatically assigned to a voice-specific VLAN and treated with appropriate levels of QoS. Voice Services Discovery Protocol (VSDP) delivers networkwide zero-touch deployment of voice endpoints and call control devices |
Generic VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) and Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP) |
Enable automatically propagation and configuration of VLANs in a bridged domain |
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) versions 1, 2, and 3 snooping |
Limits bandwidth-intensive multicast traffic to only the requesters; supports 255 multicast groups (source-specific multicasting is also supported) |
IGMP querier |
Used to support a Layer 2 multicast domain of snooping switches in the absence of a multicast router |
Head-of-Line (HOL) blocking |
HOL blocking prevention |
Loopback detection |
Provides protection against loops by transmitting loop protocol packets out of ports on which loop protection has been enabled. It operates independently of STP |
Layer 3 routing |
IPv4 routing |
Wire-speed routing of IPv4 packets Up to 32 static routes and up to 16 IP interfaces |
IPv6 routing |
Wire-speed routing of IPv6 packets |
Layer 3 interface |
Configuration of Layer 3 interface on physical port, LAG, VLAN interface, or loopback interface |
Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) |
Support for CIDR |
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) relay at Layer 3 |
Relay of DHCP traffic across IP domains |
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) relay |
Relay of broadcast information across Layer 3 domains for application discovery or relaying of Bootstrap Protocol (BootP)/DHCP packets |
Security |
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) |
Encrypts all HTTPS traffic, allowing secure access to the browser-based management GUI in the switch |
SSH Protocol |
SSH is a secure replacement for Telnet traffic. Secure Copy (SCP) also uses SSH. SSH v1 and v2 are supported. |
IEEE 802.1X (authenticator role) |
RADIUS authentication, guest VLAN, single/multiple host mode, and single/multiple sessions |
STP loopback guard |
Provides additional protection against Layer 2 forwarding loops (STP loops) |
Secure Core Technology (SCT) |
Ensures that the switch will receive and process management and protocol traffic no matter how much traffic is received |
Secure Sensitive Data (SSD) |
A mechanism to manage sensitive data (such as passwords, keys, and so on) securely on the switch, populating this data to other devices and a secure auto-configuration. Access to view the sensitive data as plain text or encrypted is provided according to the user-configured access level and the access method of the user |
Trustworthy systems |
Trustworthy systems provide a highly secure foundation for Cisco products Run-time defenses (Executable Space Protection [X-Space], Address Space Layout Randomization [ASLR], Built-In Object Size Checking [BOSC]) |
Port security |
Ability to lock source MAC addresses to ports and limit the number of learned MAC addresses |
Supports RADIUS authentication for management access. Switch functions as a client |
Storm control |
Broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast |
DoS prevention |
DoS attack prevention |
Multiple user privilege levels in CLI |
Level 1, 7, and 15 privilege levels |
ACLs |
Support for up to 512 rules Drop or rate limit based on source and destination MAC, VLAN ID, IPv4 or IPv6 address, IPv6 flow label, protocol, port, Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)/IP precedence, TCP/UDP source and destination ports, 802.1p priority, Ethernet type, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets, IGMP packets, TCP flag; ACL can be applied on both ingress and egress sides Time-based ACLs supported |
Quality of service |
Priority levels |
8 hardware queues |
Scheduling |
Strict priority and Weighted Round-Robin (WRR) queue assignment based on DSCP and Class of Service (802.1p/CoS) |
Class of service |
Port based, 802.1p VLAN priority based, IPv4/v6 IP precedence/Type of Service (ToS)/DSCP based, Differentiated Services (DiffServ), classification and re-marking ACLs, trusted QoS |
Rate limiting |
Ingress policer, egress shaping and rate control per VLAN, per port, and flow based |
Congestion avoidance |
A TCP congestion avoidance algorithm is required to reduce and prevent global TCP loss synchronization |
Standards |
Standards |
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Ethernet, IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet, IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol, IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.3x Flow Control, IEEE 802.3 ad LACP, IEEE 802.1D (STP), IEEE 802.1Q/p VLAN, IEEE 802.1w RSTP, IEEE 802.1s Multiple STP, IEEE 802.1X Port Access Authentication, IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at, RFC 768, RFC 783, RFC 791, RFC 792, RFC 793, RFC 813, RFC 879, RFC 896, RFC 826, RFC 854, RFC 855, RFC 856, RFC 858, RFC 894, RFC 919, RFC 920, RFC 922, RFC 950, RFC 951, RFC 1042, RFC 1071, RFC 1123, RFC 1141, RFC 1155, RFC 1157, RFC 1213, RFC 1215, RFC 1286, RFC 1350, RFC 1442, RFC 1451, RFC 1493, RFC 1533, RFC 1541, RFC 1542, RFC 1573, RFC 1624, RFC 1643, RFC 1700, RFC 1757, RFC 1867, RFC 1907, RFC 2011, RFC 2012, RFC 2013, RFC 2030, RFC 2131, RFC 2132, RFC 2233, RFC 2576, RFC 2616, RFC 2618, RFC 2665, RFC 2666, RFC 2674, RFC 2737, RFC 2819, RFC 2863, RFC 3164, RFC 3411, RFC 3412, RFC 3413, RFC 3414, RFC 3415, RFC 3416, RFC 4330 |
IPv6 |
IPv6 |
IPv6 host mode IPv6 over Ethernet Dual IPv6/IPv4 stack IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) IPv6 stateless address auto-configuration Path Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) discovery Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) ICMP version 6 IPv6 over IPv4 network with Intrasite Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) support |
IPv6 QoS |
Prioritizes IPv6 packets in hardware |
IPv6 ACL |
Drop or rate-limit IPv6 packets in hardware |
Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD v1/2) snooping |
Delivers IPv6 multicast packets only to the required receivers |
IPv6 applications |
Web/SSL, Telnet server/SSH, Ping, Traceroute, Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), RADIUS, Syslog, DNS client, DHCP client, DHCP auto-configuration |
IPv6 RFCs supported |
RFC 4443 (which obsoletes RFC 2463): ICMPv6 RFC 4291 (which obsoletes RFC 3513): IPv6 address architecture RFC 4291: IPv6 addressing architecture RFC 2460: IPv6 specification RFC 4861 (which obsoletes RFC 2461): neighbor discovery for IPv6 RFC 4862 (which obsoletes RFC 2462): IPv6 stateless address auto-configuration RFC 1981: path MTU discovery RFC 4007: IPv6 scoped address architecture RFC 3484: default address selection mechanism RFC 5214 (which obsoletes RFC 4214): ISATAP tunneling RFC 4293: MIB IPv6: textual conventions and general group RFC 3595: textual conventions for IPv6 flow label |
Management |
Cisco Business Dashboard |
Support for embedded probe for Cisco Business Dashboard running on the switch. Eliminates the need to set up a separate hardware or virtual machine for the Cisco Business Dashboard probe onsite |
Cisco Business mobile app |
Mobile app for Cisco Business switch and wireless products. Helps to set up a local network in minutes and provide easy management at your fingertips. |
Cisco Network Plug and Play (PnP) agent |
The Cisco Network PnP solution provides a simple, secure, unified, and integrated offering to ease new branch or campus device rollouts or for provisioning updates to an existing network. The solution provides a unified approach to provision Cisco routers, switches, and wireless devices with a near-zero-touch deployment experience. Supports Cisco PnP Connect |
Web user interface |
Built-in switch configuration utility for easy browser-based device configuration (HTTP/HTTPS). Supports configuration, wizards, system dashboard, system maintenance, and monitoring Basic and advanced mode for maximum operational efficiency |
SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3 with support for traps, and SNMP v3 User-Based Security Model (USM) |
Standard MIBs |
lldp-MIB lldpextdot1-MIB lldpextdot3-MIB lldpextmed-MIB rfc2674-MIB rfc2575-MIB rfc2573-MIB rfc2233-MIB rfc2013-MIB rfc2012-MIB rfc2011-MIB RFC-1212 RFC-1215 SNMPv2-CONF SNMPv2-TC p-bridge-MIB q-bridge-MIB rfc1389-MIB rfc1493-MIB rfc1611-MIB rfc1612-MIB rfc1850-MIB rfc1907-MIB rfc2571-MIB rfc2572-MIB rfc2574-MIB rfc2576-MIB rfc2613-MIB rfc2665-MIB |
rfc2668-MIB rfc2737-MIB rfc2925-MIB rfc3621-MIB rfc4668-MIB rfc4670-MIB trunk-MIB tunnel-MIB udp-MIB draft-ietf-bridge-8021x-MIB draft-ietf-bridge-rstpmib-04-MIB draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-v3-00-MIB draft-ietf-syslog-device-MIB ianaaddrfamnumbers-MIB ianaifty-MIB ianaprot-MIB inet-address-MIB ip-forward-MIB ip-MIB RFC1155-SMI RFC1213-MIB SNMPv2-MIB SNMPv2-SMI SNMPv2-TM RMON-MIB rfc1724-MIB dcb-raj-DCBX-MIB-1108-MIB rfc1213-MIB rfc1757-MIB |
Private MIBs |
CISCOSB-lldp-MIB CISCOSB-brgmulticast-MIB CISCOSB-bridgemibobjects-MIB CISCOSB-bonjour-MIB CISCOSB-dhcpcl-MIB CISCOSB-MIB CISCOSB-wrandomtaildrop-MIB CISCOSB-traceroute-MIB CISCOSB-telnet-MIB CISCOSB-stormctrl-MIB CISCOSBssh-MIB CISCOSB-socket-MIB CISCOSB-sntp-MIB CISCOSB-smon-MIB CISCOSB-phy-MIB CISCOSB-multisessionterminal-MIB CISCOSB-mri-MIB CISCOSB-jumboframes-MIB CISCOSB-gvrp-MIB CISCOSB-endofmib-MIB CISCOSB-dot1x-MIB CISCOSB-deviceparams-MIB CISCOSB-cli-MIB CISCOSB-cdb-MIB CISCOSB-brgmacswitch-MIB CISCOSB-3sw2swtables-MIB CISCOSB-smartPorts-MIB CISCOSB-tbi-MIB CISCOSB-macbaseprio-MIB CISCOSB-env_mib-MIB CISCOSB-policy-MIB CISCOSB-sensor-MIB CISCOSB-aaa-MIB CISCOSB-application-MIB CISCOSB-bridgesecurity-MIB CISCOSB-copy-MIB CISCOSB-CpuCounters-MIB CISCOSB-Custom1BonjourService-MIB CISCOSB-dhcp-MIB CISCOSB-dlf-MIB CISCOSB-dnscl-MIB CISCOSB-embweb-MIB CISCOSB-fft-MIB CISCOSB-file-MIB CISCOSB-greeneth-MIB CISCOSB-interfaces-MIB CISCOSB-interfaces_recovery-MIB |
Remote Monitoring (RMON) |
Embedded RMON software agent supports 4 RMON groups (history, statistics, alarms, and events) for enhanced traffic management, monitoring, and analysis |
IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack |
Coexistence of both protocol stacks to ease migration |
Firmware upgrade |
Web browser upgrade (HTTP/HTTPS) and TFTP and upgrade over SCP running over SSH Dual images for resilient firmware upgrades |
Port mirroring |
Traffic on a port can be mirrored to another port for analysis with a network analyzer or RMON probe. Up to 4 source ports can be mirrored to one destination port |
VLAN mirroring |
Traffic from a VLAN can be mirrored to a port for analysis with a network analyzer or RMON probe. Up to 4 source VLANs can be mirrored to one destination port |
DHCP (options 12, 59, 60, 66, 67, 125, 129, and 150) |
DHCP options facilitate tighter control from a central point (DHCP server) to obtain IP address, auto-configuration (with configuration and image file download), DHCP relay, and hostname |
Secure Copy (SCP) |
Securely transfers files to and from the switch |
Auto-configuration with SCP file download |
Enables mass deployment with protection of sensitive data |
Text-editable configurations |
Configuration files can be edited with a text editor and downloaded to another switch, facilitating easier mass deployment |
Smartports |
Simplified configuration of QoS and security capabilities |
Auto Smartports |
Automatically applies the intelligence delivered through the Smartports roles to the port based on the devices discovered over Cisco Discovery Protocol or LLDP-MED. This facilitates zero-touch deployments |
Text view CLI |
Scriptable CLI. A full CLI as well as a menu-based CLI is supported. User privilege levels 1, 7, and 15 are supported for the CLI |
Localization |
Localization of GUI and documentation into multiple languages |
Login banner |
Configurable multiple banners for web as well as CLI |
Other management |
Traceroute, single IP management, HTTP/HTTPS, RADIUS, port mirroring, TFTP upgrade, DHCP client, SNTP, cable diagnostics, Ping, syslog, Telnet client (SSH secure support), automatic time settings from management station |
Green (power efficiency) |
Energy detect |
Automatically turns power off on an RJ-45 port when the detecting link down. Active mode is resumed without loss of any packets when the switch detects the link is up |
Cable length detection |
Adjusts the signal strength based on the cable length. Reduces the power consumption for shorter cables |
EEE compliant (802.3az) |
Supports IEEE 802.3az on all copper Gigabit Ethernet ports |
Disable port LEDs |
LEDs can be manually turned off to save energy |
Time-based port operation |
Link up or down based on user-defined schedule (when the port is administratively up) |
Time-based PoE |
PoE power can be on or off based on user-defined schedule to save energy |
Perpetual PoE |
Provides PoE power to connected powered devices while the device is rebooting |
General |
Jumbo frames |
Frame sizes up to 9000 bytes. The default MTU is 2000 bytes |
MAC table |
8000 addresses |
Chip guard |
Detects tampering attempts and responds during boot-up |
Boot integrity |
Boot integrity visibility allows Cisco’s platform identity and software integrity information to be visible and actionable |
Discovery |
Bonjour |
The switch advertises itself using the Bonjour protocol |
Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) (802.1ab) with LLDP-Media Endpoint Discovery (MED) extensions |
LLDP allows the switch to advertise its identification, configuration, and capabilities to neighboring devices that store the data in a MIB. LLDP-MED is an enhancement to LLDP that adds the extensions needed for IP phones |
Cisco Discovery Protocol |
The switch advertises itself using the Cisco Discovery Protocol. It also learns the connected device and its characteristics using Cisco Discovery Protocol |
Power over Ethernet (PoE) |
802.3at PoE+ and 802.3af PoE delivered over any of the RJ-45 ports within the listed power budgets |
The following switches support 802.3at PoE+, 802.3af, and Cisco prestandard (legacy) PoE. Maximum power of 30.0W to any Gigabit Ethernet port until the PoE budget for the switch is reached. The total power available for PoE per switch is as follows: |
Model |
Power dedicated to PoE |
Number of ports that support PoE |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
67W |
8 |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
120W |
8 |
C1200-16P-2G |
120W |
16 |
C1200-24P-4G |
195W |
24 |
C1200-24FP-4G |
375W |
24 |
C1200-48P-4G |
375W |
48 |
C1200-24P-4X |
195W |
24 |
C1200-24FP-4X |
375W |
24 |
C1200-48P-4X |
375W |
48 |
PoE Powered Device (PD) |
Select compact switch models can work as PoE PDs and be powered by upstream PoE switches When AC power is connected and functioning correctly, it is preferred over PoE power. The PoE power can function as a backup to the AC power source or be used as the sole power source for the switch |
Model |
Power option |
C1200-8T-D |
1x PoE input (802.3af) on port 1 or AC power |
Hardware |
Power consumption (worst case) |
Model |
System power consumption |
Power consumption (with PoE) |
Heat dissipation (BTU/hr) |
C1200-8T-D |
110V=7.6W 220V=7.6W |
– |
25.93 |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
110V=12.55W 220V=12.56W |
– |
42.86 |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
110V=13.84W 220V=14.31W |
110V=80.79W 220V=80.86W |
275.91 |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
110V=17.07W 220V=16.68W |
110V=147.48W 220V=145.26W |
503.22 |
C1200-16T-2G |
110V=18.63W 220V=18.37W |
– |
64.46 |
C1200-16P-2G |
110V=24.51W 220V=25.01W |
110V=156.4W 220V=154.5W |
536.05 |
C1200-24T-4G |
110V=25.91W 220V=25.63W |
– |
89.13 |
C1200-24P-4G |
110V=34.42W 220V=33.09W |
110V=239.7W 220V=236.4W |
820.28 |
C1200-24FP-4G |
110V=46.60W 220V=46.35W |
110V=449.7W 220V=438.3W |
1,536.83 |
C1200-48T-4G |
110V=48.27W 220V=48.64W |
– |
165.96 |
C1200-48P-4G |
110V=60.77W 220V=59.73W |
110V=451.95W 220V=445.85W |
1,542.12 |
C1200-24T-4X |
110V=27.54W 220V=27.25W |
– |
93.32 |
C1200-24P-4X |
110V=35.72W 220V=34.53W |
110V=240.4W 220V=236.9W |
822.67 |
C1200-24FP-4X |
110V=47.14W 220V=47.01W |
110V=451.8W 220V=437.4W |
1,543.99 |
C1200-48T-4X |
110V=51.01W 220V=50.58W |
– |
174.06 |
C1200-48P-4X |
110V=61.53W 220V=60.73W |
110V=471.90W 220V=463.32W |
1,610.19 |
Ports |
Model |
Total system ports |
RJ-45 ports |
Combo ports (RJ-45 + Small Form-Factor Pluggable [SFP]) |
C1200-8T-D |
8x Gigabit Ethernet |
8x Gigabit Ethernet |
– |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
10x Gigabit Ethernet |
8x Gigabit Ethernet |
2x Gigabit Ethernet combo |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
10x Gigabit Ethernet |
8x Gigabit Ethernet |
2x Gigabit Ethernet combo |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
10x Gigabit Ethernet |
8x Gigabit Ethernet |
2x Gigabit Ethernet combo |
C1200-16T-2G |
18x Gigabit Ethernet |
16x Gigabit Ethernet |
2x SFP |
C1200-16P-2G |
18x Gigabit Ethernet |
16x Gigabit Ethernet |
2x SFP |
C1200-24T-4G |
28x Gigabit Ethernet |
24x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP |
C1200-24P-4G |
28x Gigabit Ethernet |
24x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP |
C1200-24FP-4G |
28x Gigabit Ethernet |
24x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP |
C1200-48T-4G |
52x Gigabit Ethernet |
48x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP |
C1200-48P-4G |
52x Gigabit Ethernet |
48x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP |
C1200-24T-4X |
24x Gigabit Ethernet + |
24x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP+ |
C1200-24P-4X |
24x Gigabit Ethernet + |
24x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP+ |
C1200-24FP-4X |
24x Gigabit Ethernet + |
24x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP+ |
C1200-48T-4X |
48x Gigabit Ethernet + |
48x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP+ |
C1200-48P-4X |
48x Gigabit Ethernet + |
48x Gigabit Ethernet |
4x SFP+ |
Console port |
Cisco Standard RJ-45 console and USB Type C port* *Not available on C1200-8T-D |
USB port |
USB Type C port on the front panel of the switch for easy file and image management as well as console port |
Buttons |
Reset button |
Cabling type |
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Category 5e or better for 1000BASE-T |
LEDs |
System, Link/Act, PoE, Speed |
Flash |
512 MB |
Dual-core ARM at 1.4 GHz |
1 GB DDR4 |
Packet buffer |
All numbers are aggregate across all ports because the buffers are dynamically shared. |
Model |
Packet buffer |
C1200-8T-D |
1.5 MB |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-16T-2G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-16P-2G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-24T-4G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-24P-4G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-24FP-4G |
1.5 MB |
C1200-48T-4G |
3 MB |
C1200-48P-4G |
3 MB |
C1200-48FP-4G |
3 MB |
C1200-24T-4X |
1.5 MB |
C1200-24P-4X |
1.5 MB |
C1200-24FP-4X |
1.5 MB |
C1200-48T-4X |
3 MB |
C1200-48P-4X |
3 MB |
Supported SFP/SFP+ modules |
Media |
Speed |
Maximum distance |
Multimode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
500 m |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
40 km |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
UTP Cat 5e |
1000 Mbps |
100 m |
Multimode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
550 m |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
UTP Cat 5e |
1000 Mbps |
100 m |
Copper coax |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
1 m |
Copper coax |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
3 m |
Copper coax |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
5 m |
SFP-10G-SR |
Multimode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
26 m – 400 m |
SFP-10G-LR |
Single-mode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
10 km |
SFP-10G-SR-S |
Multimode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
26 m to 400 m |
SFP-10G-LR-S |
Single-mode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
10 km |
Environmental |
Unit dimensions |
Model |
Dimensions |
C1200-8T-D |
160 x 128 x 30 mm (6.3 x 5.04 x 1.18 in) |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
268 x 185 x 44 mm (10.56 x 7.28 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
268 x 185 x 44 mm (10.56 x 7.28 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
268 x 185 x 44 mm (10.56 x 7.28 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-16T-2G |
268 x 272 x 44 mm (10.56 x 10.69 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-16P-2G |
268 x 297 x 44 mm (10.56 x 11.69 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-24T-4G |
445 x 240 x 44 mm (17.5 x 9.45 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-24P-4G |
445 x 299 x 44 mm (17.5 x 11.77 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-24FP-4G |
445 x 345 x 44 mm (17.5 x 13.59 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-48T-4G |
445 x 288 x 44 mm (17.5 x 11.33 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-48P-4G |
445 x 350 x 44 mm (17.5 x 13.78 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-24T-4X |
445 x 240 x 44 mm (17.5 x 9.45 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-24P-4X |
445 x 299 x 44 mm (17.5 x 11.77 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-24FP-4X |
445 x 345 x 44 mm (17.5 x 13.59 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-48T-4X |
445 x 288 x 44 mm (17.5 x 11.33 x 1.73 in) |
C1200-48P-4X |
445 x 350 x 44 mm (17.5 x 13.78 x 1.73 in) |
Unit weight |
Model |
Unit weight |
C1200-8T-D |
0.54 kg (1.19 lb) |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
1.39 kg (3.06 lb) |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
1.53 kg (3.37 lb) |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
1.53 kg (3.37 lb) |
C1200-16T-2G |
1.78 kg (3.92 lb) |
C1200-16P-2G |
2.38 kg (5.25 lb) |
C1200-24T-4G |
2.63 kg (5.80 lb) |
C1200-24P-4G |
3.53 kg (7.78 lb) |
C1200-24FP-4G |
4.6 kg (10.14 lb) |
C1200-48T-4G |
3.95 kg (8.71 lb) |
C1200-48P-4G |
5.43 kg (11.97 lb) |
C1200-24T-4X |
2.78 kg (6.13 lb) |
C1200-24P-4X |
3.68 kg (8.11 lb) |
C1200-24FP-4X |
4.6 kg (10.14 lb) |
C1200-48T-4X |
3.95 kg (8.71 lb) |
C1200-48P-4X |
5.43 kg (11.97 lb) |
Power |
100 to 240V 50 to 60 Hz, internal, universal: C1200-16T-2G, C1200-16P-2G, C1200-24T-4G, C1200-24P-4G, C1200-24FP-4G, C1200-48T-4G, C1200-48P-4G, C1200-24T-4X, C1200-24P-4X, C1200-24FP-4X, C1200-48T-4X, C1200-48P-4X 100 to 240V 50 to 60 Hz, external: C1200-8T-D, C1200-8T-E-2G, C1200-8P-E-2G, C1200-8FP-E-2G |
Certifications |
UL (UL 62368), CSA (CSA 22.2), CE mark, FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A |
Operating temperature |
32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) for C1200-8T-D 23° to 122°F (-5° to 50°C) for other models |
Storage temperature |
-13° to 158°F (-25° to 70°C) |
Operating humidity |
10% to 90%, relative, noncondensing |
Storage humidity |
10% to 90%, relative, noncondensing |
Acoustic noise and mean time between failures (MTBF) |
Model |
Fan (number) |
Acoustic noise |
MTBF at 25°C (hours) |
C1200-8T-D |
Fanless |
– |
3,277,956 |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
Fanless |
– |
2,171,669 |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
Fanless |
– |
1,706,649 |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
Fanless |
– |
1,706,649 |
C1200-16T-2G |
Fanless |
– |
2,165,105 |
C1200-16P-2G |
Fanless |
– |
706,983 |
C1200-24T-4G |
Fanless |
– |
2,026,793 |
C1200-24P-4G |
Fanless |
– |
698,220 |
C1200-24FP-4G |
1 |
25°C: 34.8 dBA |
698,220 |
C1200-48T-4G |
1 |
25°C: 29.7 dBA |
1,452,667 |
C1200-48P-4G |
1 |
25°C: 37.3 dBA |
856,329 |
C1200-24T-4X |
Fanless |
– |
2,026,793 |
C1200-24P-4X |
Fanless |
– |
698,220 |
C1200-24FP-4X |
1 |
25°C: 34.8 dBA |
698,220 |
C1200-48T-4X |
1 |
25°C: 29.7 dBA |
1,452,667 |
C1200-48P-4X |
1 |
25°C: 37.3 dBA |
856,329 |
Warranty |
Limited lifetime |
Package contents |
● Cisco Catalyst 1200 Series Switch
● Power cord (power adapter for select 8-port and 16-port SKUs)
● Mounting kit
● Pointer card
Minimum requirements |
● Web browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari
● Category 5e Ethernet network cable
● TCP/IP, network adapter, and network operating system (such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X) installed
C1200-8T-D-CN ,8x 10/100/1000 ports,Desktop,思科Catalyst C1200系列8口千兆交换机,C1200-8T-D
C1200-8T-E-2G-CN ,8x 10/100/1000 ports,2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列8口千兆交换机,2xCombo 复用口上行,可机架安装,C1200-8T-E-2G
C1200-8P-E-2G-CN ,8x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 67W power budget,2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列8口千兆交换机,2xCombo 复用口上行,可机架安装,C1200-8P-E-2G
C1200-8FP-E-2G-CN ,8x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 120W power budget,2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列8口千兆交换机,2xCombo 复用口上行,可机架安装,C1200-8FP-E-2G
C1200-16T-2G-CN ,16x 10/100/1000 ports,2x Gigabit SFP,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列16口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-16T-2G
C1200-16P-2G-CN ,Catalyst 1200 Series Switches,16x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 120W power budge,2x Gigabit SFP,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列16口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-16P-2G
C1200-24T-4G-CN ,Catalyst 1200 Series Switches,24x 10/100/1000 ports,4x Gigabit SFP,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列24口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-24T-4G
C1200-24P-4G-CN ,Catalyst 1200 Series Switches,24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 195W power budget,4x Gigabit SFP,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列24口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-24P-4G
C1200-24FP-4G-CN ,Catalyst 1200 Series Switches,24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget,4x Gigabit SFP,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列24口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-24FP-4G
C1200-48T-4G-CN ,Catalyst 1200 Series Switches,48x 10/100/1000 ports,4x Gigabit SFP,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列48口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-48T-4G
C1200-48P-4G-CN ,Catalyst 1200 Series Switches,48x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget,4x Gigabit SFP,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列48口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-48P-4G
C1200-24T-4X-CN ,Catalyst 1200 Series Switches,24x 10/100/1000 ports,4x 10 Gigabit SFP+,Rack-mountable,思科Catalyst C1200系列24口千兆交换机,4x10G SFP+光口上行,可机架安装,C1200-24T-4X
Table 2 provides ordering information for the Cisco Catalyst 1200 Series Switches.
Table 2. Ordering information
Model |
Product ID |
Description |
Gigabit Ethernet |
C1200-8T-D |
C1200-8T-D |
● 8x 10/100/1000 ports
● Desktop
C1200-8T-E-2G |
C1200-8T-E-2G |
● 8x 10/100/1000 ports
2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports
● Rack-mountable
C1200-8P-E-2G |
C1200-8P-E-2G |
● 8x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 67W power budget
2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports
● Rack-mountable
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
C1200-8FP-E-2G |
● 8x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 120W power budget
2x Gigabit copper/SFP combo ports
● Rack-mountable
C1200-16T-2G |
C1200-16T-2G |
● 16x 10/100/1000 ports
● 2x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-16P-2G |
C1200-16P-2G |
● 16x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 120W power budget
● 2x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24T-4G |
C1200-24T-4G |
● 24x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24P-4G |
C1200-24P-4G |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 195W power budget
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24FP-4G |
C1200-24FP-4G |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48T-4G |
C1200-48T-4G |
● 48x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48P-4G |
C1200-48P-4G |
● 48x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x Gigabit SFP
● Rack-mountable
Gigabit Ethernet with 10 Gigabit Ethernet uplinks |
C1200-24T-4X |
C1200-24T-4X |
● 24x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24P-4X |
C1200-24P-4X |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 195W power budget
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-24FP-4X |
C1200-24FP-4X |
● 24x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48T-4X |
C1200-48T-4X |
● 48x 10/100/1000 ports
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
C1200-48P-4X |
C1200-48P-4X |
● 48x 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 375W power budget
● 4x 10 Gigabit SFP+
● Rack-mountable
Table 3 describes the available accessories for the Cisco Catalyst 1200 Series Switches.
Table 3. Accessories
Part number |
Description |
Compatibility |
Console cable 6 feet with RJ-45 |
All models |
Console cable USB-C type |
All models |
Console cable USB-C type |
All models |
Power cable restraining clip |
All models |
Cisco rack-mounting kit |
Rack-mount kit for 1 RU for C1000, C1200, C1300 |
All 24/48 port models* |
19-in. rack-mount bracket for C1000, C1200, C1300 |
All 8/16/16P port models |
*Only 24- and 48-port models include the 19-in. mounting brackets with the switch
Cisco power adapters |
PWRADPT-WM-18-xx |
18W power adapter |
18W power adapter |
Supported SFP/SFP+ modules |
Media |
Speed |
Maximum distance |
Multimode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
500 m |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
40 km |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
UTP Cat 5e |
1000 Mbps |
100 m |
Multimode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
550 m |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
Single-mode fiber |
1000 Mbps |
10 km |
UTP Cat 5e |
1000 Mbps |
100 m |
Copper coax |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
1 m |
Copper coax |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
3 m |
Copper coax |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
5 m |
SFP-10G-SR |
Multimode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
26 m – 400 m |
SFP-10G-LR |
Single-mode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
10 km |
SFP-10G-SR-S |
Multimode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
26 m to 400 m |
SFP-10G-LR-S |
Single-mode fiber |
10 Gigabit Ethernet |
10 km |